Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Easy Way To Solve Golf Swing Fade and Hook Problems

I don't know how many times I have been out on the golf course and seem to strike the golf ball pretty solidly with the club and then it either starts to fade or maybe it starts to hook on me. What causes the fade or the hook in the golf swing?

By the time you finish reading this golf swing article you'll have learned the fundamental reasons that cause you to fade or hook the golf ball and a golf tip to help you cure this problem.

The Fade

Obviously, if you knew the answer to what causes a fade you would know how to correct it, right?

Well, the fade is caused by swinging from the outside to in causing the golf club to move across the ball. This action puts a left to right spin on the ball (if you are right handed) and thus moves it from left to right.

What if you could get rid of that fade with one simple tip?

Close your eyes and imagine a shot you just hit and the direction it is going. Imagine it going perfectly straight. If the cause of the fade is the club going across the ball, how would you correct the club to make it go straight?

You got it, by making the club move straight through the ball at impact.

To correct the fade, look at your setup on the ball. Are you set up to allow the club to move straight through the ball at impact? By adjustments to your setup you will adjust your movement through the ball.

The Hook

What causes a draw or hook?

You probably figured it out. The club turns over or goes too much inside to out creating a right to left spin on the ball.

Correct the hook by adjusting your setup to face parallel to your ball and create a straight through alignment at impact.

Setup is the key to the cure

I'm sure that by now you can see that the way you setup to the golf ball has a direct impact on the golf shot. Too much open will cause a fade and too much closed will cause a hook. Work on your setup and you can imagine how straight your next golf shot will be.

Practice, Practice, Practice

What I want you to do now is go out to the practice range and lay a club down to direct your alignment to the tee. Adjusted to different angles and see how the ball reacts when you hit it. If you practice, soon you will be in control of your golf swing and hit the shot you want without effort.

Remember, your shot goes wherever you setup and aligned it. Use your eyes and think where you want the ball to go. Tell your body to setup and align to where your eyes take you and that is straight through the ball at impact.

John Scigliano is a motivational trainer and retired US Navy Chief.

Learn to Golf Online with free golf tips at http://www.golftipswing.com and http://www.howtochipingolf.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Scigliano

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6468079

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